Our interactions with our customers, involvement in our community organizations, and city/state food access projects, compelled us to brainstorm on ways in which we could help to transform the beauty and health of our community. We have always advocated that agriculture/agribusiness could be a literal panacea for the various issues that plague our community, from neighborhood blight, joblessness, crime, food deserts, to poor health. Understanding the underlying root cause of these issues, we concluded that what is needed most is more urban growers to increase the availability of locally grown, nutrient dense food.

Our solution? Buddy Buckets and the Veg Crew to the rescue!

This Cooperative Container Gardening System(™) enables us to accomplish our ultimate aim which is to literally “grow growers” -adults and children who are confident and capable of growing their own food. We want to challenge and change the stereotypical idea of what a farmer looks like (a white, male in overalls, farming acres and acres of land.) Buddy Buckets seemed a natural progression that served to alleviate the 3 main obstacles of growing food as expressed by community residents: 1. “Not having land” 2. “Apartment living”, and “wanting to start small”.

A pixel art of a person standing in front of a wall.



Cruz represents cruciferous family of vegetables which includes broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and brussel sprouts.

A cartoon of a man holding an object.



BuddyBuckets of course represents the whole concept of container gardening and companion planting rolled into one.

A girl with a bow on her head holding a brush.



She represents the Aliaceae family of plants which include onions leeks, garlic shallots.

A pixel art of a girl with red hair holding an umbrella.



She represents the LaMIAceae family of plants which includes oregano, thyme, lavender, and hyssop.

A dog with a collar is standing on the ground.

Pax the Dog:

Pax the Dog:

Pax =Peace (peace of mind derived from eating a healthy diet.

A person holding an orange bag in their hand.

Curby Q:

Curby Q:

Represents the Cucurbrit family of plants which include cucumbers, squash, zucchini, watermelon, and pumpkins